Home Remedies For Removing Age Spots On Skin

Remove Black Spots On Your Face

Age spots or pigmentation appear on the most visible and exposed areas of our body such as our face, back, neck, chest, shoulders, and hands. They are usually harmless, but many of us want to get rid of them because they give our skin an unattractive look.

Sun exposure, aging, genetics and many other factors like stress, pregnancy, birth control pills, vitamin deficiencies or a weak liver are all possible factors that contribute to this problem. So make sure to wear sunblock when you go out, get your stress under control, and make sure to meet your daily need of vitamins and minerals to avoid them from appearing in the first place.

Remove Black Spots On Your Face

Remove Black Spots On Your Face

There are many creams and lotions on the market but many of these are packed with harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good in the long run. Here are best safe and natural remedies for you to try.

Home Remedies for Age Spots

Lemon Juice: Lemon Juice acts as bleach and is a regular component of many bleaching creams. It should be applied at the age spots twice a day. According to the Doctors’ Book of Home Remedies, when this treatment is administered for six to eight weeks, the age spots will begin to disappear. Citric acid and its antioxidant, rejuvenating qualities is what makes this remedy effective.

Onion and Apple Cider Vinegar: Blend an onion and drain it, with the help of strainer, into a bowl. Mix an equal amount of apple cider vinegar to this and apply over the spots with a cotton swab dipped in this decoction. This has also shown improved results over the course of 5 to 6 months.

Castor Oil: Age spots can sometimes be rough in texture. If this is the case for you, apply castor oil twice a day for few months to see a distinct improvement in the appearance and texture of the spots.

Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe Vera has been found to have tremendous potential in treating dermatological conditions like burns and scars. Aloe Vera Gel or juice obtained from Aloe Vera can be directly rubbed on spotted regions to eliminate them. It stimulates the growth of new skin to replace old, dead cells. This can therefore rejuvenate the appearance of your face and skin.

Papaya: Raw papaya can be grated and rubbed on the spotted area and then washed off after a few minutes. This must be performed every day to get ideal results.

Orange Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar: 2 to 3 spoons of orange juice can be mixed in a half spoon of apple cider vinegar. This must be applied over the darkened regions for around a month, and will then begin to yield promising results.

Cumin Seed: Boil some cumin seeds in water, and then wash your face with that water, being careful not to rinse it with any cold water for 30 minutes after the initial wash. Cumin releases many of its essential oils when boiled, which is then applied directly to your face when you wash with the boiled water.

Dandelion: Dandelion stem has been proven to cure a number of Skin problems. Age spots can also be effectively treated by consuming this powerful plant every day.