Amazing Epsom Salt Can Help Your Weight Loss

Epsom salt for weight loss

Epsom salt is a compound of magnesium and sulfate. It looks like small clear crystals, and its name comes from the place where it was discovered, Epsom, England. Epson salt has been used for many centuries for its numerous health benefits, beauty uses, and even for gardening and stump removal.

The major reason why Epson salts are so healthy is because they`re easily absorbed by the skin.
Thanks to magnesium, Epsom salt can regulate the activity of more than 300 enzymes, relieve muscle pain from over-exertion, reduce inflammation, and improve muscle and nerve functions.

On the other side, sulfate eliminates the toxins from the body, alleviates migraine pain and other type of headaches, and improves nutrient absorption in the body.

Using Epsom salt for weight loss

Epsom salt for weight loss

Epsom salt for weight loss

It is known as the “detox bath”. It is advised to start with one table spoon Epsom salt when you add your bath water. Slowly and gradually increase the amount of Epsom salt to two cups of Epsom salt. If you try to use two cups from the start directly. It may create mood swings, irritability and also hyperactivity. Some say you can use essential oils. But it isn’t advised because it affects how well the detox bath works. People that use the Epsom salt bath is more stress free.

Remember that when you use this detox bath. The time the water cools down the toxins will start to sweat out. You can add baking soda or vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) to maximize the effects of the Epsom salt. Experts say this detox bath can be used every day to help with weight loss. But others feel it should be used maximum 3 to 4 times a week.

Types of Epsom salt baths:

Baking soda

Add equal amounts of baking soda and Epsom salts in your hot tub. The ideal quantity is two cups each of both the ingredients. Just relax in the bathtub and rub yourself gently with a bath sponge. Remain at least 15 – 30 minutes in the hot tub to get maximum benefits. This is particularly effective to detoxify the body.

Apple cider vinegar

Take two parts of apple cider vinegar and one part of Epsom salt, combine it well and add it to your hot tub. Relax in this tub for at least forty minutes to reap maximum benefits.


For this remedy, add two cups of Epsom salts and two tablespoons of freshly grated ginger into your hot tub. Make sure that you use really hot water or as hot as you can tolerate and lay down in it for at least half an hour.